After much anticipation, our Sunday Brunch Buffet officially commenced its maiden voyage on 25 September 2022. Decked out in pirate-themed attire, our jolly Royal Albatross crew welcomed their first batch of passengers who joined us for a swashbuckling cruise whilst eager to try out the activities in store.



Upon boarding our majestic tall ship, guests are greeted by the delectable Sunday brunch spread prepared with free-flow sushi and sashimi at our Grand Salon, piping hot buffet items fresh from our galley (kitchen), as well as tantalising desserts including some local delights, all made onboard. Shucked oysters were served directly to the table and paired with our finest free-flow prosecco that kept spirits alive and attested by the smiles on our guests’ faces 🙂



Aside from the amazing food and drinks at our Sunday Brunch Buffet, passengers enjoyed a smooth sail while chronicling their Royal Albatross experience. From taking photos on our popular Flying Seat with the picturesque Singapore scenery providing the perfect backdrop, hand sculpted balloons for children, to surprise birthday celebrations (with a bouquet or two, personalised by us). Guests also took the opportunity to explore our tall ship, in awe of its intricate craftsmanship and carvings in the Grand Salon.



Our inaugural Sunday Brunch Buffet Sail was a resounding success and thank you to the guests that posted the glowing reviews.  Get hooked yourself on this uniquely Singapore experience now, by booking your tickets 点击查阅注意事项..

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