One World International School visits the Luxury Tall Ship Royal Albatross

Every once in awhile the Royal Albatross opens her doors to inspire the next generation of seafarers and ship enthusiasts and to share the importance of preserving culture and tradition. This year in April, we welcomed a group of students from one world international school onboard to our luxury tall ship to show them how goods were transported from one place to another during the golden age of discovery.

These students had the privilege to have a full guided tour and were shown the ropes through various fun and engaging games like tug of war, raise the sails as well as educational games like learning how to tie nautical knots and how they should properly wear a life vest when out at sea. And finally ending the day with a nice photo-op on board the only luxury tall-ship in Asia.

Here are some of the drawings by the kids. We will be glad to have you onboard the ship again soon!

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